AIM Fun (For those lucky few who don't have AOL) Disclaimer: Don't bitch about the grammar I know it sucks. INTRO ~~~~~ Once upon a time while talking to a friend from school on AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) a person came up to me and started conversation. Now when someone you don't know starts talking to you the first thing you want to know is who they are and why the hell they are talking to you. Well in this case the asshole talking to me decided not to share that info with me. So the first thing I did was try to get user info. about him. But If a person really does have AOL and not AIM then you can't get their profile info. So naturally he had AOL and his profile was beyond my reach at this point. But no matter, maybe I didn't have his profile but what I did have was his e-mail because in AOL your screen name is almost always your e-mail addy with attached to the end of it. Valuable info when they start to piss you off. So being the dickhead that he was he, thinking he was safe behind his unknown screen name and profile, decided to talk shit. Now the fun begins. FUN TIME ~~~~~~~~ You can almost always tell a lamer right off on AOL because they are usually ignorant, immature or stupid. In this case he was all three. So what you want to do first is make sure they they don't use their screen name any more by filling thier e-mail box up with 100's of letters a day. That can get very annoying. The way to do that is simple just subscribe them to a couple dozen mailing lists. The program I use is Flush 2.0 by Team2600. Its a nice program that works fast and efficiently. Or you can read Happle v.1 for a little harder way to do it.   Fig. 1 - The main window of Team2600's 'Flush' All you have to do Is fill in a name for them (it doesn't matter what you call them really, any name will do fine just so long as it has a first and last name), their AOL addy (which is just their screen name with behind it) and a send mail server or the server you want to use to send out the subscriptions. Oh yeah, it is usually a good idea to check that "Anonymous mailbombing (untraceable)" box. Once thats done click that little flush button and tada, instant fun. They'll see who's laughing now. MAIL SPOOFING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mail spoofing can be very interesting if done right. Sometimes you can find yourself talking to a couple of people you don't particulary know but they know each other fairly well. This situation doesn't happen very often but when it does it can be very fun. Just send a message to one of them using Caem 2.0 by logik and pretend you are the other. (A very nice program) or read Happle#09 for another explanation on how to spoof.   Fig. 2 - The main window of Logik's CAEM 2.0 Just fill in the neccesary information and tada. You can start some cool fights this way. IM SPOOFING ~~~~~~~~~~~ I have found that spoofing someone is a very easy task and very effecient. When talking to someone all you need to do is highlight their name with your cursor and hit command-C to copy. Then in the message field type your message, hit return and then hit Command-V to paste their name in the message field. You will need to change the color of their name to red and depending on what type of computer they have you might need to change the font to 12. Hit the space bar about 5 times and type their message. Your finished product should look like this:   Fig. 3 - The resultant chatspoof This can provide hours of fun. Well, maybe not hours... Have fun, HackMac